Casimir I of Opole

He was born around 1180. He was the son of the prince Mieszko I Spindleshanks, untill recently called Tanglefoot, and the Czech princess Ludmilla.  In 1217, together with the accompanying detachment, he set out on the 5th crusade, joining the king Andrew II of Hungary.

 He brought to Opole the relics of probably the Holy Cross from the Holy Land. The symbol of this venture, as historians claim, is the cross next to the Piast eagle in the coat of arms of Opole. But it is not everything! On the way back from the crusade in 1218, Casimir I stopped in the Balkans. From there, he brought to Opole his wife, beautiful Bulgarian girl - Viola. Their wedding took place probably in 1220. Kazimierz was 40 years old, and Viola 15. Such age difference did not impress anyone in the old days.  He has founded the city in 1217, and in the following years he established here a place for the authorities, administrations and church hierarchs. Under Casimir I, it was decided to build a now-defunct castle in Ostrówek, and in the same time the walls surrounding the city were being built. He died in 1230. His monument was unveiled in Opole in May 2018, as part of a celebration of the 800th anniversary of the city. It was placed in the center, near the Opole Town Hall, almost in front of the Franciscan church, where the Piast dukes were buried, near the Opole Cathedral. The bronze sculpture made by the artist from Opole Wit Pichurski weighs nearly 2 tons. A time capsule has been buried next to it with wishes and messages for the future generations. 

Casimir I of Opole
Monument to the founder of Opole, Casimir I of Opole, in center of the Opole city 
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has graduated from the PWST National Academy of Theatre Arts in Cracow (2016). Her debut took place in Laznia Nowa Theatre in Cracow, in the show "the Howl" directed by Maciej Podstawny. She has also appeared in Barakah Thetre in Cracow, Cracow Chamber Opera, PWST Theatre and Jan Kochanowski's Theatre in Radom. She has recently appeared as Velma Kelly in the Variete Theatre in Cracow, in a musical "Chicago" , directed by Wojciech Kościelniak. Currently cooperating with Jan Kochanowski's Theatre in Opole. Her most important shows are: "Collaborators", "Crime and Punishment", "Srebrne tsunami", "Romeo&Juliet", "Amok. Mrs. Koma is approaching".  

Voice author:

For 26 years journalist of Radio Opole, now presenter of news but started in the 90''s as a host of numerous radio shows including local chart OpolTop 40, R&B show 'BlackJam' and finally programs dedicated to alternative music originating mainly from UK and US. In 1995 he was a member of editorial office responsible for very popular city program 'Radio na Wyspie'. The list of the hosts of his programs include i.a. Pat Metheny, Fish, Bruce Dickinson, Stacey Kent or Mel C. 

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