Parish Church

Ah, what a wedding it was! The great King Kazimierz himself stood in front of the altar of our church decorated for this occasion. His bride was the young princess Jadwiga Żagańska, daughter of Henryk V Głogowski. Wschowa had not seen such a grand celebration before.

This event of 1365 was surely the most significant one, but apart from the kings who prayed here, such as August II the Strong and his son August III, there are many famous personalities associated with the temple. For example, the architect of the present Pompeo Ferrari parish church is not just anybody. This native Italian was an outstanding graduate of the Academy of St. Luke in Rome. He came to Poland on the recommendation of Stanisław Leszczyński, the voivode of Poznań, and even then he was a recognized architect.

The church was built on the site of an earlier one from the first years of the 13th century. So he was with the city practically from its beginning. The German name of the city is also associated with the patron - Fraustadt, meaning the City of the Lady. Unfortunately, it was destroyed by two great fires. Reconstruction began only 35 years after the second fire in 1685. We can see the effects of the last reconstruction until today.

Inside, there are numerous medieval relics, such as the net vault over the presbytery. While standing in the center of the church, raise your head and admire the magnificent murals. They represent the Holy Trinity surrounded by archangels and other important figures from the Holy Scriptures. This baroque church furnishings are impressive, right? In the main altar, pay attention to the image of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, as well as the medallion with the image of the second patron saint of the temple - St. Stanislaus the Bishop. 18th century side altars are also interesting.

Parish Church
Parish Church

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